The inevitable end of an era has come :(( Team Novaflow 3.0 is done with our project!!! The Rice interns are headed back to Houston while the Poly interns will stay in the studio for another 2 months working on new projects. I can’t imagine the studio without all of the teams there!! I really wish we could have more time together!!
My time in Malawi has been amazing. I’ve learned so much about life in just two months. I will always carry with me everything that I learned from my Malawian friends. Everyone that I met in Malawi was very motivated, kind, and down to earth. I can say that because of my new friends, I will always remember Malawi and I will make it a priority to come back again in my lifetime. It was hard to say goodbye to everyone but it was a little easier knowing that I will be back again and that I can reach them on WhatsApp or Facebook.
Day 45
Monday July 23, 2018
Goals Accomplished
- Finished Novaflow Project
Today we finished our project. We were so hard at work that we forgot to go to lunch! Demobrey and I looked up and everyone was gone haha. We finished the presentation, worked on our final report, and finished up our final prototype. The day went by really quickly and it was over just like that.
After work we went to pick up some shirts that we got made by Blantyre street tailors. We also went to Veg delight for dinner for the last time.
Day 46
Tuesday July 24, 2018
Poly Library
Goals Accomplished
- Final Presentations
This morning we all dressed up nicer than usual. We all wore business casual to formal clothes for our final presentations. At 10 AM we presented in the board room to the dean of engineering at the Poly, several lecturers and other guests. Each presentation was about 30 minutes long. Everyone’s presentations went really well and I’m so proud of all of the teams for our awesome work.

After presentations we all got to have free time for the rest of the day. My team and I had lunch at Nandos and we went around Blantyre again. When we got back to the Poly my team gave us a tour of the Poly library. It was really nice. It was pretty empty since most students have already finished their final exams and they are on holiday.

Day 47
Wednesday July 25, 2018
Don’t be sad
Goals Accomplished
- Cleaned our table
- Organized project documentation
Today we spent the day cleaning up our table and organizing the design studio. We also compiled all of our project documents to leave with our mentors at the Poly Design Studio. It was a really emotional day. My team and I went to the MCA cafeteria for the last time. The food was extra good today. We all had beef and nsima/rice. I said goodbye to the manager of the cafeteria and she said she had gotten used to seeing me and that they would miss me. After lunch The Poly interns and the Rice interns exchanged gifts and said our final words. Tears were inevitable :’(.
We were let out early so Franklin, Alfred, Tebogo, Nafe, Taonga, Gloria, Kristofer, Prince, Demobrey and I went to play pool. It was a great way to spend our last afternoon together. Afterwards we all headed to Kabula and hung out for a bit. Alfred told us some scary stories, and we all chilled until eventually we had to say our final goodbyes. I wish we had had more time to hang out like we did today. I’m really going to miss everyone, especially my teammates (Taonga and Demobrey). There’s still so much that I want to see and do in Malawi, but time has run out for now.

Day 48
Thursday July 26, 2018
Chileka International Airport
This morning we woke up at 6 AM, had our last breakfast (peanut butter toast with tea) at Kabula and headed to the airport. We left at 7 AM and our flight was at 9:30 AM. The ride to the airport was sad. I took a last look at Blantyre: the beautiful scenery, the minibuses, people bustling on the streets, the Blantyre market, the vendors, and the beautiful, kind, caring, optimistic Malawian people. Until next time Malawi!
Day 49
Friday July 27, 2018
Its really crazy being home again. We have so much here that many people take for granted. I knew I was blessed before going to Malawi, but now I believe that there isn’t anything that I can’t do given the resources in the USA. Thanks Malawi for everything. I’ll be back soon!