The Nitty-Gritty Begins

During the first week that we spent focusing on our assigned project (repairing medical devices), that Monday was Eid ul-Fitr so we had a holiday. Happy Eid Mubarak my brothers and sisters.

During that week we began by focusing on the Oxygen Concentrator. We read about replacing/fixing the compressor, sieve beds, solenoid valves and circuit board in the service manual, with a plan to read about the other components at a later stage. What I took away from the whole process is that the repairing procedure involves identifying which component or components on the concentrator are malfunctioning and replacing that or those components. This is because basically, the Oxygen concentrator is built modularly.

Working on the Oxygen ConcentratorOur supervisor walked us through the troubleshooting process he uses and we were able to identify the obvious problems that might occur with the device but are left out of the troubleshooting section in the service manual. These are the things that we wrote about in the guidelines for novices.

We learnt how to do the standard diagnostic tests on the oxygen concentrator during the week. There are precautions to be taken with some of the test that we did not adhere to very well some there were some mishaps but the problems caused were rectified.

For my personal project during the Friday afternoon period I decided to refresh my Arduino programming skills. I started reading through the notes I had written from my last internship on Arduinos and build up my knowledge there. What I took away from reading back is that practice is very important. Having to go through all the steps in programming that I have forgotten is annoying and with practice I could have avoided it.