Bas (that’s all)

It’s completely surreal to me that today marks my last day in Malawi. All the clichés about time flying and such: completely accurate. I guess that it hasn’t completely sunk in yet, which is probably a good thing. Instead of dwelling on the fact that tomorrow I will be leaving behind wonderful friends and this gorgeous place that has come to feel so much like home, I’ve been doing some happy reminiscing.


My family has a tradition of concluding our travel with a ‘top moments’ list, and although this has been far too immersive an experience to sum up in one list, I can attempt to break it down into facets. Some of them are funny things, others serendipitous elements of living in Malawi, and still others insights into global health. But for each category, I’m going to give you my top three. There are stories and context behind each choice, so if you’re interested, send me an email or ask me for details. I promise, I’ll be more flattered that you read this than creeped out by the random questions.


Top 3 Malawian Names

  1. Chimwemwe
  2. Mphatso
  3. Various English words that aren’t typically used as names state-side (we’ve met people named Happy, Bright, Gift, Comfort, Charity, and more)


Top 3 Ways to Eat Nsima

  1. With black beans
  2. With hard-boiled eggs and sauce
  3. With cabbage and greens


Top 3 Chichenge Fabrics

Yeah, this needed to be a category. Please don’t ask how many I have to choose the top 3 from…


My 3 favorite chichenge fabrics- I have a minor addiction.
My 3 favorite chichenge fabrics- I have a minor addiction.

Top 3 Best Malawian Sweets

1 .Ndazi

2. Tangerines

3. Sugar cane (I’m not a fan, but it’s still a cultural experience)


Ndazi is fried maize flour with sugar.
Ndazi is fried maize flour with sugar.

Top 3 Crazy Medical Happenings

  1. Clinical officer performs CPR on an eclamptic woman in labor, and then performs an emergency C-section in the labor ward (not the operating room). Both mother and child survive.
  2. A child is born with their intestines outside their body.
  3. Someone goes almost a week before they are referred from the health center with a likely subdural hematoma following a car accident.


Top 3 Medical Field Trips

  1. Visiting NdiMoyo Palliative Care clinic
  2. Home-Based Palliative Care visits with community health volunteers
  3. Under 5 and Antenatal Outreach Clinic
Taking BPs at the one of St' Gabe's outreach clinics.
Taking BPs at the one of St’ Gabe’s outreach clinics.


Top 3 Ridiculous Occurrences

  1. Dogs kill a goat in our front yard, and we have to figure out what to do with it.
  2. I accidentally call the hospital director’s cell phone… while he is sitting in our living room.
  3. My persistent yet unsuccessful attempts to pick up a baby chick (they’re so fluffy!)


Top 3 Crazy Things People Have Said About Americans

  1. “So is it true that President Obama is putting microchips in everyone’s brains?!?” – from a random vendor in the market.
  2. “I had a theory that all Americans only speak one language”- after I talked to a German medical student auf Deutsch.
  3. “You can go to LA and become a movie star, right?”- from a nurse at the hospital.


Top 3 Instances of Hypochondria

****Disclaimer: As far as I know, I haven’t actually contracted any of these diseases.

  1. Shistosomiasis
  2. Malaria
  3. Chicken Pox


Using a rapid diagnosis test for malaria (mRDT). It was negative-woo, no malaria for me!
Using a rapid diagnosis test for malaria (mRDT). It was negative-woo, no malaria for me!

Top 3 Favorite Animals Seen at Liwonde

  1. Elephants (we probably saw 75!)
  2. Baboons (intelligent and entertaining)
  3. Warthogs (they’re the most hilarious-looking animal ever)


This guy seemed decently willing to pose for me.
This guy seemed decently willing to pose for me.

Top 3 Lessons Learned

  1. Just because you have a great device doesn’t mean it will be used. Implementation is a long road involving education, training, and a strategic plan for consumables and repair.
  2. Time is perhaps the most precious commodity that medical personnel have here, with education and experience coming in as a close second.
  3. Friendships can transcend cultural differences and geographical separation. I have been so lucky to call people at St. Gabe’s my friends.
Nkechi and I with Bright, a good friend who we will miss dearly.
Nkechi and me with Bright, a good friend who we will miss dearly.