Happy Times Jacaranda

Yesterday we went to Jacaranda a school located in the southern part of Blantyre. Some Professors from Rice University requested that we have a small talk to the students about science. So we spent almost the whole morning there.

The trip was really wealthy it because the students were so eager to know more about engineering. In addition this, they are so innovative. I was impressed by two of their designs. They made stools from waste plastic bottles and made solar rechargeable lighting lamps. I was really fascinated about it because there materials were locally available and few of them were of no price at all. For example the stools they made, they used plastic water bottles which people throw away after having drunk the water. To me that felt like a part of recycling.

When our turn came, we talked to them and introduced to them a few of the devices like the dozing meter and the bcpap. Motivated them and also scheduled a time for personal talks. so the students would come and ask us a few questions engineering and any personal talks they would need.

What a fantastic day It was!!

One of the Jacaranda students,Charles presenting about the solar lamp
Audience; both primary and secondary school students attended
One of the Jacaranda students,Charles presenting about the solar lamp