The CPAP Study Continues!


19 July 2012

Hey all!

Big Monday—Kathleen and I found out WE GOT FUNDING TO CONTINUE THE CPAP STUDY!!!! WOO HOO!!! I thought we were excited, when we told the CPAP nurses they were ecstatic; Florence (one of the nurses in Chatinkha) asked in confirmation “So we will get to keep our jobs?” Once I told her yes, for at least 3 years she even did a little praise dance!

After the morning checks, Sister Patrige (one of the CPAP nurses) showed me a space heater in Kangaroo Care that was broken; the switch to turn it on was burnt…when I dismounted the switch from the wall the inside looked even worse than the out. Hopefully the only problem with the heater is it needing a new switch…that would be an easy fix.

I got permission to use some of Jocelyn’s spare CPAP machine tubing to replace the disintegrated tubing inside of an oxygen concentrator I’ve been working on in the Library (a storage room that also contains a few books). Guess what folks…I FIXED THE OXYGEN CONCENTRATOR!!! This has been another one of my greatest moments working here; having the chance to reverse-engineer the inside of the concentrator…and succeeding, was a bit challenging but so much fun!

Later that day we made some more progress with finding missing study files; Dr. Laura confirmed that she had at least 2 in her possession. It was such a good Monday.

Monday evening Kathleen and I made Mexican food! It is amazing what you can do with the foods from the Blantyre Market and a mini-kitchen. We ate Spanish rice, tortillas, shredded chicken, guacamole, and brownies while we watched an episode of Modern Family. And right before I went to sleep I changed the code for the apnea monitor, so now the sensor belt is more sensitive to stretching!!! I can’t wait to show Dr. Sandi and Dr. Queen!

Tuesday Morning I got some 3V coin batteries to fix two scales in the Library. One of the scales wouldn’t measure weight because it was missing a foot, so I took some of the scrap tubing that I used to fix the oxygen concentrator the other day to make a replacement foot for the scale. Fixed 1 scale, tomorrow I shall fix the other!

I just realized that I’m finally running out of American snacks!!! I brought an entire carry on suitcase full of goodies and managed to shove one extra outfit and 2 pairs of underwear in as well just in case my check bags got lost during my travels to Blantyre…I’ve gotta make my little bit last for 12 more days.

On Wednesday I talked to the Head of the Electrical Building about the heater switch in Chatinkha; I’m beginning to notice the funny looks I get when I tell the men that work in the Electrical Building, Carpenter’s Building, and PAM (Physical Assets Maintenance) that I need parts, I’ve already diagnosed the problem with the machine, and that I can fix it myself if they don’t have time.

For the first time since I’ve been here the power went out for about 10 minutes in the hospital; I went to check in Pediatrics Special Care Ward if the babies had the nose prongs from the CPAP machine removed so they would not suffocate with no oxygen being pumped through them. Chrissy had that already taken care of; these nurses are so on top of things!

Prof. (Professor Molyneux…who is also a doctor) invited us to a Monday night dinner at her house, I’m so excited…though that means my Christmas in July birthday celebration will have to be postponed until Tuesday.

And I’m nearly done with reading Pride and Prejudice; you’re probably thinking I should be done with this book already…I really am a slow reader, but I definitely don’t read every evening.

Today we had the CPAP training for the Malaria Research Ward nurses. Kondwani led the training and Florence and Chrissy did a full-out, step-by-step demonstration. It was PHENOMENAL! These women were very engaging and naturally commanded attention as they presented; especially Florence. She did an excellent job at giving a thorough explanation of how you assemble the machine and parts, how you hook it up to the baby, and what not to do in order to avoid harming the baby. If Jocelyn was here she would be impressed.

This weekend we lose a Sarah but gain a Rahul! I’m excited and sad at the same time…but more so the former than the latter.

With love,


Things that were new to me:
Being called Professor is a higher honor than being called Doctor; my British friend explained to me why Prof. Molyneux was called Prof. and not Dr.
Watching Definitely, Maybe

Things I wish I had:
Some sour cream and salsa

For my parents—I promise I’m eating:
For breakfast: PB&J with banana sandwich / Toast, jam, eggs / banana in oatmeal
For lunch: PB&J with banana sandwich / chicken rice and stew (Hotel Victoria) / leftovers from dinner
For dinner: Chicken noodle soup…without chicken / Stir-fried rice for dinner / Spanish rice, tortillas, shredded chicken, guacamole, and brownies