BBB 8th Weekend Edition

22 July 2012

Hey all!

The internet subscription for the dongle that Kathleen and I were using has ended, so that means it’s back to busting out blogs with my 5 minute free trial at Kabula and at the hospital whenever the WIFI is not being finicky.

Friday, I met with the Electrical Technician at queens about getting a new switch for the space heater in Chatinkha. I showed him the melted/corroded switch that needed replacing and he told me to check back with him next Friday to see if he gets some in his anticipated shipment of parts.

I also fixed the 2

nd scale!!! This one was a bit more complicated than the first; I put in a new battery and it didn’t work. This one also didn’t appear to have any external defects—which meant that I had to open it up and probe around. After two days of work it turns out that the switch was faulty, so I rewired the power leads to the pounds to kilograms toggle switch…works like a charm now!

I was able to diagnose the problem with one of the suction machines in the Library; turns out that an important piece to the internal pump has broken…and I’m not able to mend it with neither Epoxy nor tape…the chances of getting a replacement part is inexistent. Sad times indeed. I’m planning on asking Professor Molyneux if I can alter some connections on one of her (unused) suction machines so that I can use the battery of the broken one for the new one that just needs a 220VAC to 12VDC converter.

And just as I was packing up for the day to leave the Library, I shocked myself with the suction machine power board that I left plugged in and exposed. That hurt just as bad as when I accidentally resting my hand on the soldering iron some weeks ago! Welp, lesson learned…don’t leave your circuit boards out while they’re being powered, and definitely don’t pick up a piece of paper that’s lying on top of it while it’s being powered.

That evening we went to Chez Maky for Sarah’s farewell dinner…I have really grown to despise eating at this restaurant; we only seem to go when someone is departing from Blantyre.

Saturday was another French toast day out on the veranda at Kabula; I was a bit of a fatty the previous night and ate the last banana, so I suffered the next morning by not having the banana with my French toast and caramelized-apples like I usually do. After we finished brunch we were off to Chileka Airport to pick up the other Rice student that would be completing our trio in Blantyre, Rahul. To think, only 7 weeks ago that was Kathleen and me arriving and Jocelyn awaiting us!

We had predetermined that Rahul was going to receive the same first day experience we’d received when we arrived in Blantyre…so after he got settled into his room we took him straight to market and all around town. We got back home before sunset, had the routine blackout, then began cooking Sarah’s surprise farewell dinner. We made her one of her favorites; Sheppard’s pie. She said it tasted exactly how she makes it at home!

After dinner I washed my last big bundle of laundry I will do here! I’ll be giving my clothes away piece by piece until the day Kathleen and I get on the plane to go back home.

This morning Kathleen and I woke up early to have breakfast with Sarah before she left; no tears this time! …At least not in front of her. After she left we went to Blantyre Community Church; one of the Bible study leaders picked us up. It was very much a Western style church, which I was not expecting; it was nice getting to see some of the friends from Bible study. Going to church today reminded me that I’m going to have to look for a new church home when I move to Indiana to start work.

When we got back went to Veg-Delight and wandering about Blantyre with Rahul. This evening we went to Gelato Carnival, which is apparently a chain of a variety of restaurants in one building, one of which sells Gelato! We were all amazed at the variety that was offered and Kathleen and I both agree that Chez Maky will not do for our farewell dinner when it comes time; we shall eat at Gelato Carnival once more! I finished my last load of laundry when we got back and what happens while I’m letting my jeans soak in the sink? –A puddle on the kitchen floor led me to discover that the water leaks from the pipes whenever you put the stopper in the drain.

I’m expecting nothing but happiness and great accomplishments on the day of my 23

rd year of life!

With love,


Things that were new to me:
Gelato Ice Cream…um um umm!
Getting shocked

Things I wish I had:
A mop to clean up this puddle

For my parents—I promise I’m eating:
For breakfast: Toast, jam, eggs / banana in oatmeal / French toast, caramelized apples, banana, and egg
For lunch: PB&J with banana sandwich / Rahul’s pickings from Veg-Delight
For dinner: Mongolian chicken (Chez Maky) / Chilli-Cheese Fries (Gelato Carnival)